Tetiana Herashchenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, conducted a binary lesson on Sociology for students with the participation of a practical employee of Sumy District Department of the National Police of Ukraine, Police Sergeant Valerii Holub. The topic of the seminar was "Society as an object of sociology".

Features of the society as a whole system, its typology and the specifics of the information society were discussed at the lesson. The topic "Peculiarities of modern Ukrainian society" provoked a lively discussion. Valerii Mykolaiovych explained the characteristics of modern social problems, various deviations that practitioners of the National Police deal with every day.

The format of the lesson allowed to discuss the causes and manifestations of negative social phenomena and deformations of Sumy region and predict their further development. Future lawyers were very active in the class and received a lot of useful information.

Sumy branch of KhNUIA