On the occasion of the International Day of the United Nations – October 24, various events are traditionally held: international concerts, interactive teleconferences between countries, meetings, discussions and exhibitions dedicated to the goals of the Organization, its achievements. The Scientific Library of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs presents to the university community a book-illustrative exhibition “The United Nations (UN) – a living embodiment of hope”.

The United Nations lives in the heart and minds of every citizen as an organization capable of ending violence, stepping up the COVID-19 pandemic which caused chaos in every country and in every economy, promoting development and ensuring gender equality; to protect human rights and overcome the scale of poverty and hunger, to stop lawlessness in cyberspace. By working to the fullest, the United Nations is contributing to these high aspirations of humanity. According to the Secretary-General, the United Nations is a living embodiment of hope anywhere in the world.

The library invites everyone to get acquainted with the book-illustrative exposition.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA