Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Expertology of the Faculty №6 Olena Soloviova conducted career guidance work with the students of the graduating classes of Kharkiv secondary school I-III degrees №36 Kharkiv City Council of Kharkiv region.

During the meeting, Olena Soloviova told students about the opportunities of studying at KhNUIA and getting professions not only related to the service in the National Police, but also in other areas of public life. She noted that the university has created the necessary conditions for learning and life, comprehensive development of the personality of cadets and students through participation in sports sections and amateur art circles.

High school students learned that the institution of higher education has a preparatory department, which provides quality preparation of entrants to enter the university. Olena Soloviova also answered all the questions that students had during the conversation.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA