Associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages Iryna Hohol within career guidance work visited Kharkiv specialized school №3 of I-III grades of Kharkiv region and told about the university, specialties to study for and terms of studying. Special attention of students was drawn to the fact that Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs trains specialists by both state order and at the expense of individuals and legal entities to obtain higher education degrees “bachelor”, “master”, “doctor of philosophy”.

During the meeting with the Deputy Director for Educational Work Iryna Skupinska, the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in quarantine and the possibility of cooperation to improve career guidance and the formation of a quality contingent of cadets and students were discussed.

The problem of choosing a profession has always been relevant and, moreover, remains so in modern conditions. Which profession to choose is one of the main tasks in everyone's life.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA