Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs continues to organize thematic excursions to the exhibition “Warriors. History of the Ukrainian army”. The exhibition, which is located in the lobby of the building 1/5, consists of 12 banners. They reflect the main milestones in the history of the Ukrainian army, which main task for many centuries was to serve its people and protect Motherland. Today we see the imprint of the kinship between the law enforcement and military spheres in the very structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Therefore, the appeal to military history is not suprising for us.

A new wave of future community police officers is touring the exhibition this week. It has already been visited by groups of associate professors and masters of KhNUIA, groups of students of the Faculty №6 and others.

The tour emphasizes that throughout history, the Ukrainian armed forces have almost never ceased to operate, even despite periods of political statelessness. The history of mistakes teaches that without an army there is no state, and without a state there is no army. The army is the guarantor and the ultimate attribute of an independent state. Its development and achievements, the most important victories of different times – all this is mentioned during the tour. The latest banners are dedicated to volunteer battalions and the reform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, raise awareness of the relevance of studying military history and traditions, which are an important factor in information security and armament of Ukrainian society in the face of modern challenges to territorial integrity.

We invite the university community to an independent and excursion acquaintance with the materials of the exhibition!

Excursion activities are carried out in accordance with current quarantine regulations.

Andrii Prokhorov, director of KhNUIA museum