Dear cadets, students, master's and post-graduate students, representatives of the scientific and pedagogical staff, university staff!

The number of patients with COVID-19 is growing every day in Ukraine and in the world.

I insist! Strictly comply with quarantine requirements:

  • use personal protective equipment (respirators or protective masks);
  • temperature screening is obligatory;
  • compy with the social distancing;
  • clean your hands with antiseptics;
  • carry out regular disinfection of rooms.

Let me remind you! The only effective and efficient way to fight coronavirus is vaccination. Vaccines reduce mortality and hospitalizations. It protects against complications and serious consequences caused by coronavirus infection. This terrible disease did not pass me by. I had to take a course of treatment in a medical institution. I saw the eyes of those people who joked in the evening and left this world in the morning…

I urge everyone who has not been vaccinated to be vaccinated immediately at any convenient mass vaccination point. Save your own life and the lives of your nearest ones.

I ask you to carry out appropriate explanatory work among your relatives, friends and acquaintances. Convince everyone who is still hesitant to be vaccinated.

Best regards,

Rector Valerii Sokurenko