Dear lecturers, staff, students, trainees of the Faculty №6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs!

I sincerely congratulate you on our common holiday – the 25th anniversary of the Faculty! The history of the Faculty is inextricably linked with the history of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, for many years the faculty has been the flagship of our university, a pioneer in education, science and teaching work. Today the faculty is a modern scientific and educational center with a strong material and technical base, the latest technologies and a creative approach to learning. The team of lecturers preserves the unique scientific potential and long-standing traditions, continues to give young people a higher education. Just in the last 5 years (2016–2021), the faculty has trained 4,480 specialists of various levels of education, fields of knowledge and specialties.

The scientific and academic staff of the faculty is one of the most powerful in Kharkiv. Well-known scientists and lecturers known far beyond our city work here such as professors Volodymyr Hrechenko, Olha Hetmanets, Olena Yevdokymova, Yurii Zhornokui, Mykhailo Shcherbakovskyi, Olena Syniavska, Vadym Kharchenko, Oleksandr Tiahlo, Volodymyr Kroitor, Iryna Panova, Larysa Krasytska and many, many others. It is nice to note that this list is not short and exhaustive and the pleiad of scientists of the faculty includes many other glorious names. Therefore, graduates, including statesmen, government officials, prominent scientists, heads of ministries and departments, organizations and institutions is a well-deserved glory of the faculty, which reaches far beyond the region.

In particular, among them a master's student in “Psychology” – world champion in super heavyweight boxing according to the WBA (Super), IBF, WBO and IBO - Oleksandr Usyk; a bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in Tokyo, which took place in 2021 Kateryna Reznik, who is a graduate student in “Psychology”. By loving our faculty, serving it, improving it, we make the whole university, all departmental education better. I know that you will definitely keep the good traditions that have developed at the faculty for future generations. I believe that 50, 75, 100 years will pass, and our faculty will remain among the leaders not only of our university, but also of other institutions of higher education in Ukraine.

I wish everyone peace, good health, mutual understanding, harmony and growth! May every day spent at the faculty fill our hearts with inspiration, may we always have the strength and confidence to conquer the planned peaks. Wonderful opportunities for all of us and happy moments, interesting events and fruitful work, happy smiles and loyal friends!

Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor,

Honored Lawyer of Ukraine,

Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine

Police General of the Third Rank Valerii SOKURENKO