Dear friends! Colleagues!

Congratulations to all of you on the 25th anniversary of our Faculty!

The years that have passed since its foundation have been years of formation, search for new directions and professional growth. During this time, the Faculty №6 has come a long and glorious way, becoming one of the largest and most important faculties of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Thousands of masters, bachelors and specialists of various legal, humanitarian and technical specialties, high-level professionals have been trained within its walls, who have made a significant contribution to the development of various branches of our state.

The Faculty has initiated many innovative projects, preserving and multiplying the best traditions of our university. 25 years is a real Jubilee! I really want our Faculty to be the most outstanding, large and successful in the structure of our wonderful university, and for the Dean to be successful.

I remember with pleasure the years of work at the Faculty, cooperation with its scientific and academic staff, creative communication with students, which became an unforgettable page in my life!

I wish you good health, inexhaustible vigor, optimism and new achievements!

Chairman of the Poltava Regional State Administration

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor,

Dean of the Faculty №6 in 2015–2019 Oleh Syniehubov