Natalia Rastorhuieva, Head of the Debate Club of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, and Polina Suslova, the 2nd year cadet of the Faculty №1 took part in a two-day blogging training for the project “Peace in Digital Time” of Ivanna Skyba-Yakubova “Digital Agora: could we do the better world with the help of social networks?”. The project is implemented by the “Ukrainian Expert League” Analytical Centre in cooperation with the Public Organization “Foundation of Human Rights” and funded by the Institute for External Cultural Relations (IFA) at the expense of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany.

During the event, participants learned about important points that will help develop a strategy for working in social networks, the problematic aspects faced by novice bloggers, the types of content, explained certain aspects of working with the target audience and the possibility of using social networks to maximum efficiency.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA