Primary professional training for cyberpolice unites began at the university. More than 130 person from almost every ukrainian region will get new specialties of an information technology agent or cyberpolice inspector.

During the meeting with the course attendee the Rector colonel of police Valerii Sokurenko said that crime has no boundaries or national signs and breaches in information technology are increasing. Highly qualified specialists are needed to counteract this phenomenom. Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was the first among the educational institutions of the MIA of Ukraine to open a department for training IT technologies specialists in 1994. That is why the university has relevant educational base, scientific and teaching staff. Valerii Sokurenko urged students to focus on studying and to keep the discipline.

First Vice-Rector of the university, Oleksandr Golovko brought into focus that the university is constantly training officer for patrol police from different regions of Ukraine. Today, there are Lugansk and Donetsk regions, but the current students - future specialists kiberpolitsiyi units – are the first. Therefore, during training we should not only acquire the necessary knowledge, but establish good relations, which would help in further professional development. Also, Oleksandr Golovko said that on the request students of the University can get one year second degree in the field of "Law", "Psychology" or "Finance".