As part of the Week of Ukrainian Language and Literature, on the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language, cadets, teachers of the cycle commission of philological disciplines, heads and staff of structural subdivisions of Kremenchuk Flight College of KhNUIA joined the writing of the XXI All-Ukrainian radio dictation of national unity.

Thousands of Ukrainians who love and respect the Ukrainian language, all who understand the need for national unity, take part in the flash mob every year and join the writing of dictation around the world, which demonstrates the importance of Ukrainian language as the state language and its prestige.

This year's action was the largest in number of participants. This proves once again that such events unite the nation, involve in the study of the state language, promote it, encourage people to participate in reading literature, and educate patriotism.

The event took place in the college library. The participants of the flash mob also got acquainted with manuals, textbooks that help to improve the knowledge of the Ukrainian language, latest imaginative literature publications, an exhibition of posters dedicated to the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language.