For cadets of the faculty of training specialists for pre-trial investigation bodies of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, who study by exchange in accordance with the National Program "Student Academic Mobility (SAM) Ukraine", as well as for cadets of study group 402 faculty № 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in the discipline "Pre-trial investigation in the police" a binary lesson on "Detention of a person" was held. It took place on the territory of the temporary detention facility № 1 (TDF) (Kharkiv, I. Kamysheva Stree, 35).

Classes were conducted by the Deputy Head of TDF № 1 Liudmyla Kapshuk and representatives of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Pre-trial Investigation of the Faculty № 1 Vitalii Romaniuk, Tetiana Fomina, Kateryna Horbunova. During the lesson, the cadets got acquainted with the procedure for detaining a person for committing a criminal offense, with the organizational structure of the TDF, the procedure for admitting detainees to the detention center and the conditions of their stay. The class was also attended by a human rights inspector, who spoke about the system of registration of detainees - Custody Records, which is used to record all actions with detainees.

The Student Academic Mobility Program (SAM Ukraine) is part of the House of Europe program and is funded by the European Union with the involvement of the British Council.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA