Within the Week of Ukrainian Writing and Language at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the XXI International Competition on the Ukrainian Language named after Petro Yatsyk and the XII International Language and Literary Competition of Students named after Taras Shevchenko were held, organized by the Department of Ukrainian Studies of faculty No. 2 and the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of Faculty No. 6.

After the work of the professional jury, the winners were determined.

Petro Yatsyk International Ukrainian Language Competition :

First place - 1st year cadet of the faculty № 1 Maxym Bezsmertnyi; 

Second place - 1st year cadets of the faculty № 1 Dasha Horpynenko and Anastasiia Yemelianenko;

Third place - 1st year student of the faculty № 6 Valeriia Pidluzhna and 1st year student of the faculty № 4 Vladyslava Korshykova.

Taras Shevchenko International Language and Literature Competition for Pupils and Students:

Among the cadets :

First place - 1st year cadets of the faculty № 2 Daria Dosaieva and Mariia Kochkareva;

Second place - cadets of the 1st year of the faculty № 1 Iryna Ananko and 2nd year of the faculty № 3 Nataliia Vovchyk;

Third place - 1st year cadets of the faculty № 2 Victoriia Kubyshkina and the faculty № 1 Anastasia Flisnyk.

Among students:

First place - 1st year student of the faculty № 6 Yulia Baidiuk;

Second place - 1st year student of the faculty № 6 Anna Cherkashyna;

Third place - 1st year students of the faculty № 6 Daria Kaliberda and Eduard Karp.

We thank all participants for their knowledge, desire to develop creative abilities and self-affirmation and we sincerely wish the winners to worthily represent our university in the next tests at the regional and national stages of competitions!

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA