As part of the cooperation of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the participants of the School of Scientific Leadership of Faculty 1 met with the project coordinator and researcher of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Kharkiv) Oleksii Leznov. 


During the meeting, Head of the School of Scientific Leadership and Scholar of the 2nd set of the scholarship program of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Scholarship Program for Students of Eastern Ukrainian Universities Sur-Place, Vitalii Naida, spoke. He drew cadets` attention to the advantages and prospects of the development that provide educational and social opportunities of the Foundation for students.

Participants of the School of Scientific Leadership held a presentation of their achievements and areas of work for Oleksii Leznov. Polina Suslova, a second-year cadet of the Faculty №1, spoke about the cadets' public activities, trainings on anti-drug and anti-alcohol propaganda, social experiments, searches for missing people, and the activities of integrity patrols at the School of Scientific Leadership.

Kristina Koval, a 2nd year cadet of the Faculty №1, acquainted with the results of cadets' participation in international youth exchange programs, international essay, video works and scientific articles competitions, scholarship programs and was focused on development prospects.

2nd and 3rd year cadets of the Faculty №1 Yulia Shelest and Victoriia Kolesnyk acquainted the Project Coordinator of Kharkiv office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation with the participation of cadets along with the NGO “Union of Search Detachments of Ukraine” in archeological excavations in Balaklia district and the results of their exploration works.

Oleksii Leznov gave an interactive lecture for youth, during which he acquainted cadets with the goals and values ​​of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, priority areas of work in Ukraine, opportunities provided by the Foundation to Ukrainian youth, in particular, involving them in research projects, scholarship program Sur-Place, trainings, international online seminars. He spoke about the work of the Foundation in the field of maintaining and researching the current state of democracy, European integration in eastern Ukraine. The cadets actively participated in the discussion, asked the guest numerous questions about the most successful projects of the Foundation, the Foundation's partners in Ukraine, were interested in the problematic points to pay attention to when applying for the Sur-Place scholarship program.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA