Within the discipline "Practicum on the tactics of conducting certain investigative (search) actions" in the study groups of Faculty No. 1, binary classes were held with the participation of Nathalie Paez Jimenez, Deputy Chairman of the International Cooperation Department of the Intelligence Headquarters of the Guardia Civil of the Kingdom of Spain.

During the binary practical classes organized and conducted by Tetiana Matiushkova, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminology, Forensic Expertise and Pre-Medical Training of the Faculty №1, the peculiarities of conducting certain investigative actions and investigating certain types of crimes by law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and the Kingdom of Spain were discussed and compared.

Nathalie Paez Jimenes also acquainted the cadets with the system, structure and functions of the Civil Guardia and its units in the Kingdom of Spain, the peculiarities of the organization and implementation of interaction between individual departments and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kingdom of Spain and law enforcement agencies.

The discussion of issues of international cooperation between law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and the Kingdom of Spain in the investigation of crimes committed by organized groups, cybercrime, sexual crimes against children, arms and drug trafficking, including transnational, aroused great interest.

The cadets had the opportunity not only to ask questions on the outlined topics, but also to answer questions from a representative of foreign law enforcement agencies about the peculiarities of the investigation of crimes and tactics of investigative actions in Ukraine.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA