Representatives of Kremenchuk Flight College of KhNUIA, namely Director Ruslan Yakovlev, Deputy Director for Teaching and Educational Work, Candidate of Technical Sciences Yuriш Shmelev, responsible for academic integrity and gender issues Candidate of Economic Sciences Maryna Petchenko took part in the X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Management of high-speed moving objects and training of operators of complex systems". The conference was also attended by Head of the Department of Professional Training Candidate of Technical Sciences Serhii Vladov, Head of the Cycle Commission of Aviation and Electronic Equipment Alona Hebda, Senior Researcher, Lecturer of the Air Navigation Cycle Commission, Candidate of Technical Sciences Volodymyr Tiahnii, cadets Dmytro Khodin, Nazar Yankevych, Dmytro Smolianinov. The event was held at the Flight Academy of NAU on the occasion of its 70th anniversary.

The conference consisted of a plenary session and work in sections. Participants of the college took part in the work of section 1 "Technologies and methods of control of high-speed moving objects" and section 4 "Drons and aircraft robotic systems".