The representatives of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, namely Maryna Petchenko, responsible for Gender Issues, researchers Vadym Orel, and Olha Hlazunova, together with NGO "Kremin. Anticor" conducted a workshop "The way to gender budgeting without violence and discrimination". Its goal is to raise awareness of equal rights and opportunities at the local and state levels. The event was held as part of the All-Ukrainian action "16 days against violence". The speakers were Oksana Huida, the head of the NGO "Kremin. Anticor", and Kateryna Zauralska, an SMM manager.

The workshop focused on the main gender issues in modern society, the importance of their timely and correct solution in order to prevent discrimination and violence in any format of social relations.

The participants of the seminar were acquainted with the basic principles of gender-based budgeting. The acquired knowledge is consolidated by practical interactive tasks, in which trainees showed their active social position and interest in the issues discussed.

The event was attended by 29 cadets and college students.