The representatives of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, namely Maryna Petchenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, responsible for Gender Issues, researchers of the department of organization of scientific work and gender issues Vadym Orel, Candidate of Technical Sciences and Olha Hlazunova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, together with the head of the NGO "Human Rights Association "Themis", lawyer Artem Hrysiuk сonducted a scientific and practical seminar on the topic  "Gender Equality as Future Strategy".

The participants of the seminar were acquainted with the basic principles and provisions of national and international documents on equal rights and opportunities for women and men, discrimination on the basis of sex, and provided practical advice on its prevention and counteraction in today's conditions.

At the end of the seminar, the organizers of the event conducted a survey of participants to determine the level of initial knowledge on this issue.