The Department of Organization of Scientific Work and Gender Issues together with the cadet-student self-government on the base of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs conducted an interactive event - a scientific quest dedicated to the International Civil Aviation Day.

The scientific quest was organized for applicants for education of flight technical and economic specialties of the first year of study.

The purpose of the event is to promote the scientific component, equal rights and opportunities of women and men among college students. Tasks for the quest were developed using modern technologies, QR codes, which covered such thematic areas of science as the history of aviation, international transportation, aviation devices, avionics systems, spatial maneuvering of aircraft, and other topics in aviation.

All participants of the scientific quest were in equal conditions and with a common goal and showed great erudition, creativity and perseverance in solving problems.

The solemn awarding of the participants of the scientific quest was conducted by the Deputy Director of the College for Teaching and Educational Work Yurii Shmelev, staff of the Department of Organization of Scientific Work and Gender Issues and representatives of the cadet-student self-government.