Cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs received an award for participating in the theater festival "Gender in Action-2022", organized by the National Academy of National Guard of Ukraine, the Kharkiv Regional State Administration and NGO “Gender Culture Center”.

Situations according to which theater groups had to improvise on stage for ten minutes were offered. Moreover, each teams prepared home task – a video clip on the topic "How gender equality is achieved in our higher educational institution."

The jury, which included representatives of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, the Kharkiv City Council, the All-Ukrainian public organization "Center for Development of Democracy", the Kharkiv office of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission, the International Renaissance Fund and NGO «Gender Culture Center», evaluated the work. They judged such aspects as: artistry, gender sensitivity and the level of gender issues awarnes. The Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs team was represented by cadets of faculties’ No. 2 and No. 3.