More than 60 veterans of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and elderly people received targeted aid purchased with support of the Fortuna Clinical Foundation (Alabama, USA) under coordination of the head of Center for Ukrainian-Polish Development of KhNUIA Mykola Pakhnin, head of public relations department Irina Shcherbakova and deputy head of research laboratory on the problems of scientific support of law enforcement and the quality of training Oleksii Serdiuk. Targeted delivery of humanitarian aid was carried out by a team of university volunteers, which includes the head of the department of social and humanitarian work Natalia Mashnitskaya, head of the educational and methodical department Irina Ryazantseva, head of the Department of Police and Public Administration Olga Bezpalova, prof. Vasyl Kikinchuk, and other employees of the university. Medicines, food kits and basic necessities were delivered to those who found themselves in difficult life circumstances as a result of hostilities and were unable to evacuate the city.