Jakub Kucharczyk, a member of the Supervisory Board of the Greater Poland Enterprise Development Agency, Head of the Projects and Investments Department of Poznan Region (Poznan, Poland), Economic Advisor to the President of Poznan, visited the main base of the university in Kharkiv.
The purpose of his visit is to assist in the restoration of the buildings of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs damaged by rocket and bomb attacks. Together with the rector of the university, Valerii Sokurenko, Jakub Kukharchyk inspected the damaged facilities. The list of construction materials and other components necessary for the full restoration of the buildings was determined on the spot. The free assistance will be provided by entrepreneurs and non-governmental organizations mainly from the Wielkopolska Voivodeship of the Republic of Poland.
Jakub Kucharczyk made an entry in the book of honored guests of the university: "Thank you for your incredible struggle for the freedom of the whole of Europe. My entry in the book of honorary guests of KhNUIA is a sign of solidarity of the whole Poland with you. I am confident that victory will soon come and we will visit the university to build our fraternal common European future together."
