Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted a ceremony on the occasion of graduation of students of the specialization courses for community police officers. This is another graduation of specialists trained by the university according to a new world model. The police officers, who represent many regions, have successfully completed training in general legal disciplines, first aid, tactical and specialty training, and improved their driving skills.
The graduation ceremony was attended by Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Police General of the third rank Valerii Sokurenko, Head of the Department of Preventive Activities of the National Police of Ukraine, Lieutenant Colonel Maksym Akhramieiev, Head of the Department for Interaction with Communities of the Department of Preventive Activities of the National Police of Ukraine Police Captain Maya Breslavska, Head of the Main National Police in Vinnytsia Oblast, Police Colonel Ivan Ishchenko, Timothy Janowick, Deputy Director of the ICITAP Regional Program Office in Ukraine, Nungky Prijono, Senior Law Enforcement Advisor of the ICITAP Regional Program Office in Ukraine, Vice-Rectors of the University, and the management of the Institute of Postgraduate Education.
The event began with the introduction of the University Flag, raising of the State Flag of Ukraine and the performance of the National Anthem of Ukraine. The participants observed a minute of silence to honor the bright memory, strength of spirit, resilience and heroic deeds of soldiers, law enforcement officers, all those who died while performing combat missions and official duties, as well as civilians who died as a result of the Russian armed aggression against Ukraine.

After the presentation of the certificates of successful completion, the graduates were congratulated by the Head of the Department of Preventive Activities of the National Police of Ukraine, Lieutenant Colonel Maksym Akhramieiev: "Today is an important day in your life. You have joined a powerful team of community police officers based on new values and priorities. I am confident that the knowledge and skills you have acquired will allow you to build a safe space, establish communication with residents, and become a reliable partner for community leaders."
Police Captain Maya Breslavska, Head of the Department for Interaction with Communities of the Department of Preventive Activities of the National Police of Ukraine, thanked ICITAP's international partners for supporting the training, the management, lecturers, and staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, and noted that every community police officer should be aware of the responsibility entrusted to them: "Serve honestly and faithfully! You will succeed, because you were trained by the best lecturers, coaches, and instructors. I personally believe in you! Protect your communities, the safety of people depends on you."
Timothy Janowick, Deputy Director of the ICITAP Regional Program Office in Ukraine, addressed the audience in Ukrainian and thanked the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Valerii Sokurenko for supporting the Community Police Officer project. In his speech, Timothy Janowick wished the police officers "strength to cope with future challenges, strength to continue to act in difficult conditions, a sincere heart to take care of the community, and peace forever. May God protect you and Archangel Michael protect you! Glory to Ukraine!".
On behalf of the course graduates, police captain Tetiana Chubar thanked the university professors and trainers for their knowledge, guidance, and professional experience.
Ivan Ishchenko, Head of the MDNP in Vinnytsia region, said he was proud that community police officers were trained in Vinnytsia region, and that the project was extremely successful, as according to opinion polls, more than 90% of the community population trusted their police officers. They feel safer and more protected by the authorities. He emphasized that the graduates will definitely justify the trust, will be exemplary police officers, and the police will continue to reform and become better. "In times of war, you have additional functions, including working with internally displaced persons and soldiers returning from the combat zone," emphasized Ivan Ishchenko.
The Rector of the university, Valerii Sokurenko, noted that the next graduation of community police officers is "a significant event in the life of the university and everyone who stands in the ranks and received a certificate of completion of the community police officers' courses." He thanked the leadership of the MDNP in Vinnytsia region, with whom he went through this journey together, who supported and helped ensure that the educational process met all the requirements of today. "There is a war going on, and the state has decided to discharge you from service and send you to study at such a difficult time," the Rector of the university emphasized. "Thanks to international partners, you have gained access to new technologies, practices, knowledge and skills that are today the world standard of human rights and law enforcement. This shows that the police reform is successfully continuing. I am convinced that you are all real, that serving and protecting is not just a slogan for you, but your essence and need. I am confident that you will all be a model of decency and exactingness, and we will definitely win! Many challenges today are related to the war - weapons, ammunition being distributed across the country, soldiers returning home with injuries. We must be ready for all challenges! And, thanks to the support of our international partners and the resilience of the Ukrainian people, we will definitely win. I wish you all good health, that your families are doing well, that you enjoy your service and the results you will surely achieve, and that we win this terrible war in the shortest possible time and build a powerful, European country that everyone will respect! And we will definitely do it! Serve and work so that you are respected by people and protected by the Lord God! Glory to Ukraine!"
The training of community police officers is supported by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Police of Ukraine, the United States Embassy and ICITAP.