Representatives of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Candidate of Economic Sciences Maryna Petchenko, and Nataliia Kitsel took part in the Ukrainian Women's Congress that shapes the equal rights and opportunities agenda for government, parliament, local communities, private and public sectors and for media community as well.

High-level officials and dignitaries, representatives of the executive power, international organizations, foreign embassies, socially responsible business and non-governmental organizations were invited to participate in the Congress.

The following issues were discussed during the Congress: “How changes in the election legislation and the ongoing pandemic would affect the electoral process in Ukraine”, "Main challenges and opportunities for women to take an active part in the local elections",“The impact of the pandemic on the security and economic situation of women and men, as well as their vulnerable groups in Ukraine”, “Requisite arrangements and practical ways to address the economic crisis-induced challenges exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic”, “The role of political and civic leadership in combating the pandemic and economic crisis”, “What kind of influence the new life reality makes on the decision-making process”, How to attain to a balance of interests between state and business” and  “How to suit the needs of different male and female groups”.