The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine continues the admission of foreign citizens to study in higher education institutions until December 15, 2020 and until April 15, 2021 due to quarantine on the territory of the country. Admission of foreign citizens to Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs takes place in the mentioned terms for the chosen form of education: part-time or full-time, taking into account the requirements of higher education standards. In case of worsening situation, at the University will be distance studying for foreign citizens.

Foreign applicants, who cross the state border of Ukraine until August 31, 2020 need a COVID-19 insurance policy and are exposed to self-isolation ( in case of absence of a test result for COVID-19) according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of July 22, 2020 №641 "On the introduction of quarantine and the stepping up anti-epidemic measures in the area with a significant spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by coronavirus SARS -CoV-2". Wearing face masks, conducting temperature screening, maintaining social distance and using hand sanitizing gel are obligatory for implementation for both students and staff of the University.

The issue of anti-epidemic measures will be discussed taking into account the epidemic situation on September 2020.


Department of Public Relations of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs