University cadets are among the winners of the XIV Kharkiv regional competition of student’s research papers in natural, technical and human sciences, which is held by the Board of Rectors Higher Educational Institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation in Kharkiv region.
According to the conclusions of the competition commission in the nomination "Social and humanitarian direction", Vladislav Stepanenko, the 3rd year cadet of the faculty № 2, took the first place with his work "Legal regulation of combating cyberbullying in Ukraine". Supervisor - temporarily assuming the responsibilities of the Head of the Department of Scientific Work Organization, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Volodymyr Chumak.
The work of the 3rd year cadet of the faculty № 3 Alina Varyanitsa "Peculiarities of the value sphere of personality at different stages of professional development" took the third place. Supervisor - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the faculty № 3, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Olena Makarova.

The competition results can be viewed at:

Department of Public Relations of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs