On the occasion of the European Day of Languages, senior lecturer of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Faculty № 2, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Inna Holopych and the Community Support Officer of the Prevention Sector in Donetsk region Elizaveta Rudenko held a binary lesson for the cadets of faculty № 4, group 103 "Peculiarities of official- business style of speech of law enforcement officers".

The teacher reminded that the police are representatives of the state authorities who are constantly in the center of attention and provide informative communication with the community. They are constantly evaluated by all criteria - from moral and ethical norms of behavior to language competence and any violations of these norms that cause a negative public reaction.

The society requirements to police officers are education, morality, professionalism and language proficiency. The lieutenant police officer noted that the consequence of the neglect of language requirements is the loss of the image and the level of public confidence in law enforcement officers. Language culture of police officers is the task at the national level.