Iryna Kazanchuk, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the Faculty No. 1, Police Colonel took an active part in All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online conferences “Personality formation: challenges of time and new contexts of the development” and “STEM – EDUCATION. Prospects and methods of implementation of STEM- education in training activity”, which were organized with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The experienced lecturers from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Academy of Innovative Development of Education in Ukraine, Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education were the speakers of the event. They shared their best pedagogical practices on using interactive technologies for the implementation of new educational content in Ukraine, opportunities for using facilitation in the educational process and methods of self-preservation of the individual in the situation of pandemic alert, and also the latest information and communication means and methods both during distance learning and education of the student environment in terms the pandemics, determining the prospects for the development of digitalization and internetization of the educational process in Higher Educational Establishments in Ukraine to effectively educate young people, the introduction of STEM-approaches during distance learning (resources and platforms for online learning).

Iryna Kazanchuk underwent practical online trainings on the topics: “Countering bullying in educational establishments”, “Application of modern ICT during distance learning”, “STEM-approaches in education. Instruments”, successfully passed the tests and received certificates of advanced training educators in accordance with the chosen topic and duration of training in the conference. The acquired knowledge and skills will be used during the teaching of academic disciplines to cadets and students of KhNUIA.