The representatives of the public association “Global Cyberspace Interaction Center”, chaired by Volodymyr Pavelko, Head of the association, visited Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. They met with the administration of the University- Rector Dmytro Shvets; Academician Oleksandr Bandurka; First Vice-Rector Serhii Bortnyk; Vice-Rector Mykhailo Burdin and discussed a number of topical issues.

The guests also got acquainted with the University, its territory, material and technical, educational and scientific base. They visited the training situational center, where they got acquainted with the activity of the science park “Science and Security”. They appreciated the benefits of implementing an electronic system “Custody Records” for the prevention of human rights violations in jails in the police training department. They also visited the training ground “Green Room”, a training center for combating cybercrime and cyberspace monitoring, the quarter guard room on cyberspace monitoring, visited the training ground for combating crimes in the field of human trafficking committed with the usage of high information technology, the language center, and also appreciated the results of the work of the cybercenter of the University for 2018-2020 and the chatbot "StopNarcotics".

According to the results of the visit, a memorandum has been signed between the “Global Center of Interaction in Cyberspace” and Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.