Oksana Savchenko, the Head of the Cycle Commission of Philological Disciplines, took part in an online seminar (coworking) for the pedagogical staff of scientific lyceums on “Innovative solutions in the activities of Poltava regional scientific boarding lyceum of II-III degrees at Kremenchuk A.S. Makarenko Pedagogical College (lyceum “Polit”)”. During the coworking, a comprehensive plan of methodological support for the development of scientific lyceums of Poltava region for the period 2020-2023 was adopted, and the experience of teachers was exchanged. Methodists of Poltava Regional M.V. Ostrogradskyi Institute of Postgraduate Education also provided practical advice to educators in the development of pedagogical competencies, helping to achieve significant and sustainable changes in professional activities, stimulating innovation activity, strengthening the creative potential of teachers. All this is necessary during the time of change.

The obtained information will be used by the teacher during research work with members of the scientific group “Language tools for describing scientific information as an important component of training.”


Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs