The scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty No. 1 took part in the work of the scientific and practical seminar on the topic “The use of artificial intelligence technologies in combating crime”, organized by Academician Stashis Scientific Research Institute for the Study of Crime Problems National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine (The event was held on the ZOOM platform.).

Today’s new challenges in various spheres of society life, reformation changes in methodology produce qualitatively new ways of solving them on the basis of rethinking and reevaluating a number of fundamental scientific concepts. Therefore, the seminar was held according to thematic guidelines, the study of which was designed to stay ahead of the realities of the modern world and crime, as its integral part, namely:

- the role of artificial intelligence technologies in the combating crime paradigm: expectations and real opportunities;

- the development of artificial intelligence technologies in the current epidemiological situation;

- social, legal and criminological consequences of coronavirus crisis in the world and Ukraine: to the minimization problem;

- the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in the criminal justice authorities.

Oleksii Lytvynov, a Head of the Department, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine presented an interesting and informative report on the topic: “Artificial Intelligence and Prospects for the Development of Scientific Knowledge”.

The scientific discussion among a wide range of scientists and practitioners involved in it was held under conditions of interest, friendliness, constructive dialogue during a meaningful discussion of creative ideas and scientific achievements, which would have a significant impact on the further development of legal science.