It has become a tradition at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs to hold online webinars organized by the University's Department of International Cooperation with the support of the European Union Advisory Mission Field Office in Kharkiv.

The cadets, students and teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Faculty №1, employees of the Department of International Relations and Interuniversity Activities Department of Kremenchuk Flight College took part in the first webinar "Restorative Justice. Mediation and facilitation in criminal proceedings" of webinar series.

The speaker of the event was Adviser on Rule of Law in the European Union Advisory Mission to Ukraine, Professor Saer Ammar who spoke about the concepts, principles and forms of restorative justice, its benefits for the society and the state, and the implementation of mediation programs in criminal justice.

The webinar participants were interested in the practices of restorative justice in European countries and the problems of its implementation in Ukraine.