On the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language, which our country traditionally celebrates on November 9, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty No. 6 held a number of events, namely: participation in a scientific conference, webinar and radio dictation.

Thus, Vitalii Zaborovskyi, Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Historical Sciences, and Nataliia Kobylko, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer, took part in the All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Ukrainian Heritage: Dynamics of Meaning and Dimensions of National Being”, which took place at Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The event brought together linguists, literary critics, historians, philosophers and lawyers. The teachers presented their reports in the section “Historical and cultural memory in defining the national perspective. Outstanding figures of history and culture of Ukraine”. In particular, Natalia Kobylko presented scientific research “Folklore and mythological symbolism of the songs of the band” “Antytila”, and Vitalii Zaborovskyi – “Features of the use of folklore in the play “Lymerivna” by Panas Myrnyi. Following the conference, a program and a collection of materials were published.

Also, Natalia Kobylko, Senior Lecturer together with the first-year student-psychologists joined to the writing the anniversary XX All-Ukrainian radio dictation of the national unity - 2020. This event is a large-scale event that brings together teachers, schoolchildren, students, scientists, politicians, Ukrainian public figures and stars, as well as those who care about the fate of their native language, even far beyond the Homeland. The text was created by the famous writer Ivan Malkovych, and the dictation was read by the actress Rymma Ziubina.

Before the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language, Natalia Kobylko took part in the webinar “Language as the key to Ukraine”, which took place as a part of the Biennial “Ukrainian language in the world: retreat or progress?” During the online event, the textbook “The Key to Ukraine: Cities and People” was presented, as well as a discussion “Modern educational publications in the Ukrainian language as a foreign language as a means of Ukraine promotion”. The reports of philologists from Canada and Hungary were interesting. The webinar was organized by the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations. The event was attended by almost 100 participants from various institutions of higher education in Ukraine and abroad. Natalia Kobylko, Senior Lecturer will use the acquired knowledge in the educational process of KhNUIA.