Deputy Dean of the Faculty № 6 Serhiy Zagorodniy and scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Faculty № 6 - Professor Volodymyr Kroytor, Associate Professor Ella Vakulovych, Associate Professor Tetyana Kyrychenko, Lecturer Anna Hofeld have held a career guidance online meeting with students online of Kharkiv State Automobile and Road

During the event, college students were provided with information about the prospects, forms of education, as well as the benefits of getting of higher education at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Special attention was paid to studies at the faculty № 6. Prospective entrants were told about the training of higher education degrees "bachelor" and "master" in the specialties 081 "Law", 262 "Law Enforcement", 053 "Psychology", 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance», 125 « Cybersecurity », and also about features of preparation of bachelors on the shortened program on the basis of educational and qualification level «junior specialist». Informational videos about the university, faculty № 6 and the legal clinic were shown. Representatives of the university paid attention to the issues of living in a dormitory, use of library resources, work of scientific circles and sports sections.