On December 9, 2020, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs invites to take part in the round table “Application of information technologies in the activities of law enforcement agencies”.

The round table is planned in the following areas:

- topical issues of development, implementation and use of information technology components in the activities of law enforcement agencies, in particular, the National Police of Ukraine;

- current problems of training for information and analytical units of law enforcement agencies, in particular the National Police of Ukraine.

To participate in the round table are invited:

- employees of domestic and foreign law enforcement agencies involved in the development, implementation and use of information technology components in the activities of law enforcement agencies;

- scientific and pedagogical employees of higher education institutions, in particular, with specific conditions for police officers training;

- employees of research institutions;

- representatives of other institutions involved in the development, implementation and use of information technology components in the activities of the National Police of Ukraine;

- scientists engaged in scientific activities in the areas of the round table;

- applicants for higher education - cadets, students, PhD students (adjuncts) and students who carry out scientific research in the areas of the round table.

Based on the results of the round table, it is planned to publish a collection of materials and reports of participants.

Abstracts of scientific materials or reports must be sent to the organizing committee by November 21, 2020.

In order to register for the round table, to get acquainted with the requirements for the abstracts of scientific materials and reports, please follow the hyperlink: http://www.univd.edu.ua/uk/adv/286