A webinar on “Engaging with Roma Minorities: Building Partnerships and Conducting Operations” from the EUAM Field Office in Kharkiv took place at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

The speaker of the webinar was Yuriy Mihalkov, Adviser / Trainer on Community Policing Field Office Kharkiv. During the event, the speaker covered the issues of discrimination and its counteraction, European standards of work in a multiethnic society, discussed the conflicts that arise between Roma minorities and the community, as well as ways to overcome them. In addition, the speaker shared Bulgaria's experience in building trust and mutual understanding between the police and representatives of various communities, as well as outlined the rules of effective police interaction with national minorities, gave advice and recommendations.

The webinar was conducted in English with consecutive translation into Ukrainian. The speaker answered all the questions and comments that the webinar participants actively asked during the event.