Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted a regular meeting of the Scientific Group of higher education seekers “Innovative Technologies in Transport” chaired by Olena Chernikhova, the Lecturer of the Cycle Commission of Economics and Management. The meeting was held online using the Zoom application.

The meeting was dedicated to the World Science Day, reviewing the latest developments and achievements, current trends and prospects in logistics and supply chain management. Also, the Head of the Group and the participants discussed the main research topics for writing scientific papers, the opportunity to participate in scientific and practical conferences in remote mode, resolved current issues. Olena Chernikhova emphasized the observance of the principles of academic integrity when writing abstracts and articles and the need to use Unicheck technical means and other programs to check for plagiarism.

After the online meeting, Olena Chernikhova once again congratulated the participants on World Science Day and wished them inspiration and achievements in scientific activities.


Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs