The regular meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the Faculty No. 1 took place online and was dedicated to the 26th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

At the beginning of the meeting, Iryna Kazanchuk, the Head of the circle, Associate Professor of the Department, Police Colonel told about the historical stages of the university. She paid special attention to the history of formation and development of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure, mentioning prominent scientists and practitioners who worked there at different times (O.K. Bezsmertnyi, V.I. Ivanenko, V.M. Bryzhatyi, V.A. Humeniuk, H.V. Dzhahupov) the main scientific achievements of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department, including textbooks, manuals, monographs, etc.

The members of the scientific group were addressed by Olena Salmanova, the Head of the Department, Doctor of Law, Professor, who noted the significant scientific contribution to the development of the Department and the university of leading scientists, such as Doctors of Law, Professor S.M. Husarov and Professor A.T. Komziuk, who still work at the Department. Their steps to establish scientific schools, within which a large number of talented scientists have been united and successfully worked, deserve special respect. In addition, Olena Salmanova told about the range of scientific interests of Lecturers of the department, which were such areas as Administrative Law, Administrative Procedure, Financial Law, the activities of Law Enforcement Agencies, including the National Police of Ukraine.

Members of the scientific circle also discussed topical issues regarding the participation of cadets in scientific competitions, scientific and practical conferences on the basis of KhNUIA and other higher educational establishments of Ukraine, the requirements for writing, completion and submission of scientific papers to professional publications of Ukraine, obligatory compliance with standards of the academic integrity in scientific work.

At the end of the meeting the topics of scientific research were discussed and approved, the abstracts of the cadets' reports Onysiia Tatarenkova “On improving the provisions of the Law of Ukraine” On the National Police” regarding the application of preventive police measures”, Andrii Topchii “Problematic aspects of legal support of the normative function of public administration agencies in Ukraine” and Alina Kotelevets “Ways to improve the administrative and legal mechanism of interaction between the National Police of Ukraine and the population on a partnership basis” were heard. Members of the Scientific Circle took an active part in the discussion of the reports.