Dear colleagues!

Congratulations to the colleagues on the next anniversary of granting our educational establishment the status of a university!

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is a successor and multiplier of the glorious traditions of educational establishment of previous years, which were engaged in training for law enforcement agencies. Established in 1994, a difficult year in the history of Ukraine, when it was becoming a state, the University gradually became an important center of departmental science and education.

At all stages of its existence, the university has played an important role in training specialists for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, improving it from year to year. The educational and material base of the university has been developing, the number of doctors and candidates of sciences has been increasing. This made it possible to successfully move from the training of militia officers to the training of police officers in 2015. Departments, created and fruitfully work at the University, where the best specialists work, are extremely important for the police training.

Our educational establishment has trained more than 50,000 specialists for the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine for 26 years of its existence. These are police officers protected and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens of our state, its independence. They work in the criminal investigation, combating drug trafficking units, in the area of economic protection, and other police services. Through their conscientious daily work, they maintain the high authority of our University.

A long way has passed since the establishment of the University. It was a path of change, transformation and difficult decisions. You and I have witnessed how the University is becoming a powerful training base for police training - specialized classrooms, computer classes, training grounds, shooting complexes, a modern sports base, a new 9-floor dormitory, public gardens, etc. have been created. Undoubtedly, there have been significant achievements, we have to be proud of. However, there are new tasks ahead, new challenges that need to be addressed daily and hourly. I am sure that the highly professional and experienced staff of our educational establishment will be able to solve all the tasks set before us.

I wish good health, personal happiness, well-being in every family, inspiration and tireless work for our University and everyone who works and studies here!


Rector of Kharkiv National University

of Internal Affairs (2012-2015),

Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine,

Doctor of Law, Professor,

Honored Lawyer of Ukraine,

Colonel-General of Militia Serhii HUSAROV