These words Natalia Miloradova, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of KhNUIA, addressed to future psychologists - cadets of faculty № 3 of Kharkiv University of Internal Affairs, during the discussion of the film "Punk" from the repertoire of Docudays International Documentary Film Movable Festival.

The film was presented by human rights activist, regional coordinator of Docudays UA in Kharkiv region Yurii Chumak.

The film tells the story of "problem" teenagers from the Netherlands, with whom a psychologist works in a makeshift "rehabilitation center" at a remote farm.

At the end of the review, the cadets together with Natalia Miloradova analyzed the characteristics of young people in adolescence, recalled the crisis moments of this period, explored the methods of psychological therapy used by a specialist in working with the characters of the film.

Viewers agreed that the problems demonstrated on the screen, despite the fact that events are taking place in Western Europe, are also characterized for Ukrainian teenagers. Therefore, domestic law enforcement and psychologists should be able to work with such minors, focusing on preventive activities.

According to Yurii Chumak, this year's Movable Docudays UA is held under the slogan "Teen Spirit" and is dedicated not only to the issue of adolescence, but also to a certain "maturity" of Ukraine, which is currently undergoing a difficult stage of transformation, observance of human rights being the priority for our state.

The legal education event was timed to coincide with the All-Ukrainian Campaign "16 Days Against Violence".
