Each university family has its own traditions, rituals, customs that create their own special microculture. The presence of traditions indicates the cohesion of the team, a sense of community in it. A valuable uniting factor is the personality of the poet, we have been addressing for more than 200 years, each time finding in his words a wise parental advice, answers to the questions that life constantly poses to us.

Despite the quarantine, the search work at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs continues. Thanks to the efforts of the initiative group of the faculty № 2 consisting of the dean of the faculty №2 Kostiantyn Harbuziuk, deputy dean Serhii Hirenko, head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies Ihor Chornyi and associate professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies Viktoriia Pertseva

The Kobeliatskyi House of Children's and Youth Creativity handed over to its graduate Serhii Cherkaskyi, a third-year cadet of KhNUIA, the work of its talented pupil, 12-year-old Yaroslav Kravchenko, "Shevchenko in Poltava Region."

Olesia Shcherbyna, an art critic from Cherkasy region (Kaniv), presented bright decorative plates created in the tradition of Petrykivka painting from her collection.

Thanks to such people around us, the bearers of culture, who fill every detail with a unique meaning, really high-quality cultural projects are created. Cadets and teachers of the faculty № 2 of KhNUIA are witnessing and participating in one of such cultural projects.