The online meeting of the student scientific circle of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty № 6 took place. Yuliia Kyrychenko, Oleksii Shumilo, Daria Korobtsova and Viktoriia Fursa, 2nd year Master's students, 1st and 3rd year students and Lecturers of the Department, participated in its work.

The scientific reports were made by Master's students Yuliia Demchenko «The ECHR requirements for opening the land market of agricultural designation», Alina Shestakova «Peculiarities of administrative and legal liability application for violation of land legislation», Valerii Chyrva «Human rights as an integral part of sustainable development».
As a result of the online meeting of the scientific circle, it was decided to recommend abstracts of the students scientific reports to participate in scientific and practical
conferences of students, postgraduates and young scientists, which will take place soon in Mariupol, Kyiv and Kharkiv.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA