As part of advanced training, associate professors of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Expertology of the Faculty № 6 Andrii Hliievyi and Dmytro Zaiats together with Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology Vladyslav Kundeus took part in a series of training webinars on scientometrics "Main metrics of modern science. Scopus and Web of Science ", which allowed finding out all the main aspects of the scientist's publishing activity in international scientometric databases. During the webinars, scientists gained knowledge on current issues in the field of scientometrics and scientific publications, the functioning of international bibliographic databases, learned about the stages of preparation of scientific works for publication in the best international editions.

As a result of successful mastering of knowledge in scientometrics, certificates were obtained certifying participation in the series of educational webinars on scientometrics “The main metrics of modern science. Scopus and Web of Science from the research and training center of the company “Scientific publications” - Publ.Science ".