As part of the Annual World Campaign "Sixteen Days Against Violence" Nataliia Miloradova, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Faculty № 3, together with Yurii Chumak, the head of the Kharkiv regional public organization "Center for Legal and Political Studies "DUMA"" and the regional coordinator of the Travel Festival "Docudays UA" in the Kharkiv region, organized the documentary film "Punks" screening and discussion. The film tells the story of the troubled teenagers from the Netherlands, with whom a psychologist works in an improvised "rehabilitation center" on the remote farm where they reveal their most vulnerable sides.

After watching the film, the cadets together with Nataliia Miloradova analyzed the features of young people in adolescence, recalled the times of crisis of this period and their causes, explored the methods of psychological therapy used by the specialist working with the characters of the film.

The viewers agreed that the shown problems, despite the fact that events take place in Western Europe, are also inherent in Ukrainian teenagers. Therefore, domestic law enforcers and psychologists should be able to work with such minors, focusing on preventive activities.