Volodymyr Shulha, the Speaker of Ukrainian and Foreign Educational Institutions, the Researcher on International Communications, will give an online lecture on the topic “Communication of Values as a Management Trend” for lecturers and applicants of higher education of the Faculty No.6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The event takes place on December 9, 2020, at 11.00 am.

The following issues will be discussed:

- reputational history as a defining marker of a modern specialist;

- transformation of the role of CEO in management;

- ability to debate as a necessary communication technique;

- growing importance of crisis communications.

You can join the conference by following the link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/84541183376?pwd=SlZPS0JjcVM0YWs4ZmcwQXl3a1A2Zz09

Conference ID: 845 4118 3376. Access code: fsSZL3.


Department of Public Relations of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs