Iryna Maisun, a lecturer at the Department of Legal Disciplines of the Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, took part in a series of webinars on the topic: “USA. Post-election prospects: how the outcome will affect emerging markets”; "USA. Post-election prospects: a global macroeconomic view “U.S. post-election perspectives: What is the Impact?”

The participants of the discussion were Ron Homer - Chief Strategist and President of Impact Investing, Mindirai - Head of Investment and Strategy at RBC Global Asset Management, Maik Khihhins - Vice President and Specialist of Investment and Strategy at RBC Global Asset Management Inc, Polina Kurdiavko - Partner, Head of Accounts Receivable and Senior Investment Manager, Blue Bay Asset Management Manager.

The results of the 2020 US elections and how they will affect the world market and investment; new policy courses and implications for emerging markets; a global view of the economic and financial implications were discussed.


Sumy branch of KhNUIA