On the occasion of Human Rights Day, Viktoriia Pertseva, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, together with Alina Masalova, inspector of the Investigation Sector of Kyivskyi district of Kharkiv Regional Headquarters of National Police, Lieutenant of the Police, conducted a binary lesson "Language Policy in Ukraine and EU States". The purpose of the lesson is to acquaint cadets with complicated issues of language policy in some neighboring countries and the peculiarities of the language situation in Ukraine.

The cadets considered the norms of the current language law and the rights and responsibilities of the citizens of Ukraine. The police representative drew the attention of young people to the article of Art. 54 of the Law of Ukraine "On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language", according to which every person has the right to appeal to the Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language with a complaint of violation of this Law and elimination of obstacles to the use of the state language.