Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held an Open door day at the Municipal Institution "Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training" Patriot "" of Kharkiv Regional Council, which is located in the village Eskhar of Chuhuiv district. The participants of the event were greeted by the head of the lyceum, honored worker of education of Ukraine, Colonel Serhii Horodetskyi. He noted that the fruitful cooperation in the direction of professional orientation of young people has been going on between the university and the lyceum for many years. Lyceum students receive a lot of interesting and useful information about the university, which helps them in choosing a future profession. They attend open door days at the university, participate in sports competitions and Olympiads.

The Dean of the Faculty of Cyberpolice of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Candidate of Law, Lieutenant Colonel of Police Viacheslav Markov conveyed the greetings from Rector of the University, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, General of Police of the Third Rank Valerii Sokurenko and noted that the professions that can be acquired at the university are extremely necessary for society. The university is constantly improving its educational work - new specialties are emerging that are relevant today. Among them are cynologists, cyber police officers, pilots of aircraft, which are trained in a separate structural unit of the university - Kremenchuk Flight College, and many others. Therefore, any profession acquired in a police college provides opportunities for personal development and career growth.

Roman Hrekov, Head of the Recruitment and Career Guidance Department, Senior Police Lieutenant, said that civilian candidates wishing to study in higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with specific training conditions, who train police officers at the expense of the state budget, must pass language electronic registration on the website

Cadets - representatives of all faculties of the university shared their impressions of studying at the university. Lyceum students were shown a video about the university and given the opportunity to learn more about the specialties for which specialists are trained by university faculties.

Representatives of the faculties spoke in detail not only about the specialties taught by young people, but also about the peculiarities of the selection of candidates for higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the requirements for personal files, physical fitness and so on.

At the end of the meeting the audience saw the concert of the amateur art group of the lyceum.

As the part of the career guidance event, a demonstration of equipment used in police activities and a demonstration of the use of information technology in the work of police officers took place. High school students got acquainted with examples of uniforms and equipment of the National Police of Ukraine, forensic suitcase, chest video camera, metal detector for surface inspection, a set of mirrors, brethalyzer, quadcopter.

The cadets of the university demonstrated the skills acquired during their studies at the university to conduct fingerprinting, use of a chest video camera, visual inspection of persons, inspection of hard-to-reach places, such as vehicle bottoms, examination of a person for intoxication with a special technical device - gas analyzer «Drager» and others.