“Andriivski Vechornytsi” is taking place at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. This is one of the most appreciated Ukrainian holidays, which we have inherited as a cultural heritage from our grandparents. Currently, this event, which takes place annually at the university with the support of the Department for Youth and Sports of Kharkiv Regional State Administration, aimed primarily at the formation of the national and cultural identity of the youth through the popularization of Ukrainian time-honored traditions and cults, the inculcation of the values of Cossack education and the formation of a youth idea under the slogan “I am Ukrainian”.

Valerii Sokurenko, the Rector of the University, Eduard Pavlenko, Deputy Head of the Department for Youth and Sports of Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Head of the Department for Youth Policy and Children’s Health, Hryhorii Savenko, the Head of the Public Organization, the Chief Ataman of Sichoslav Cossacks of Zaporizhzhia, General Cossack Captain, opened the event and congratulated its participants.

The event will be continuing with the participation of public organizations, and volunteers on the university campus for three days. Everyone can get acquainted with Cossack’s everyday life, military traditions and habits. Representatives of Dnipropetrovsk Region, such as Public Organization “Sichoslav Cossacks of Zaporizhzhia” informed about combat Cossack traditions, the weapons used by the warriors, the way they defended, fought, shoot. All this could be seen during the reconstruction of the battle with an imaginary enemy. The acquaintance with old Ukrainian everyday life, namely, how the marriage proposal took place, which dishes were served on the table, the purpose of the rag dolls, and how girls told fortunes, etc. The songs, performed by the bandura-player, were about valour, love to the country and freedom of Ukrainian Cossacks.

Support for the national traditions, customs, culture and spirituality of the Ukrainian people promote to lay the groundworks for the formation of a new generation of young people - highly conscientious, spiritual, educated and patriotic youth.