Career guidance meetings with graduates of schools in the village of Slavhorod, the village of Mezenivka, Krasnopilskyi district and the village of Yamne, Velyka Pysarivka village Velykopysarivskyi district, Sumy region, was conducted by Deputy Director of the Centre of Primary Professional Training “Police Academy”, the Head of the Department of Educational and Methodological Work, Police Captain Oleksandr Minchenko and a leading specialist, Police Major Serhii Tovstukha.

In addition to the information about entry requirements and study at the Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, information about the accommodation of students in the dormitory was of great importance. Representatives of the branch demonstrated high school students videos "First cadet shoulder straps", "One day in the life of a cadet" and a video about the rules of entry to the branch.